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What is the role of agricultural magnesium sulfate?

Release date:2018-06-13 00:00 source: Click:

What is the role of agricultural magnesium sulfate? What are the methods of using magnesium sulfate for agriculture? Also please understand the help of the netizen

Magnesium sulfate is also called sulfur bitter, bitter salt, and diarrhea salt. It generally refers to magnesium sulfate heptahydrate and magnesium sulfate monohydrate. Magnesium sulfate can be used in industry, agriculture, food, feed, medicine, fertilizer, etc. Therefore, the seed net has specially arranged the role of magnesium sulfate in agriculture and the application method.

The role of agricultural magnesium sulfate:

Magnesium sulphate contains two essential nutrients, sulfur and magnesium, which are necessary for crops. Magnesium sulphate not only increases the yield of crops, but also improves the taste of crop fruits.

Because magnesium is a component of chlorophyll and pigment, it is the only metal element in chlorophyll molecules. Magnesium promotes photosynthesis and promotes the formation of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Magnesium is an activator of hundreds of enzymes and is also involved in the formation of enzymes that promote metabolism in crops. Magnesium can improve the disease resistance of crops and prevent the invasion of germs.

Magnesium also promotes the formation of vitamin A and vitamin C in crops, thereby improving the quality of crops such as fruits and vegetables. Sulfur is essential for the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, cellulose, and enzymes in crops. Simultaneous application of magnesium sulfate also promotes the absorption of silicon and phosphorus by crops.

Application method of agricultural magnesium sulfate:

1. Magnesium sulfate is used as base fertilizer:

Mix the magnesium sulfate with other fertilizers or organic fertilizers before applying it to the soil.

2. Magnesium sulfate is used as top dressing:

Fertilization with magnesium sulfate requires early application, and it can be applied by ditch or water. Generally, it is suitable for applying 10~13 kg of magnesium sulfate per acre of land. Generally, each plant can be applied with 250-500 g of magnesium sulfate. After the magnesium fertilizer is applied, it can be re-applied every few crops, and it is not necessary to apply it every season.

3. Magnesium sulfate is used for foliar application:

In order to correct the symptoms of magnesium deficiency in crops, magnesium sulfate can be used for top dressing, but foliar application is not durable, and several times of spraying should be carried out in order to achieve the effect.

The spraying of magnesium sulfate on the foliar surface can be carried out in the early and middle stages of crop growth; the spraying concentration of magnesium sulfate in the growth period of different crops is also different. Generally, the spraying concentration of magnesium sulfate leaves is: 0.5%~1.0% of fruit trees. Vegetables 0.2%~0.5%, rice, cotton, corn 0.3%~0.8%, general magnesium fertilizer solution application amount is about 50~150 kg.

Related tags: Magnesiumsulfate

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