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Technological innovation calcium aluminate opens up new fields of application

Release date:2014-08-07 00:00 source: Click:

People in the metallurgical industry know that calcium aluminate plays an irreplaceable role in the metallurgical industry. He can improve our metallurgical quality. However, calcium aluminate can also be used as a flame retardant. Do you know? Gongyi Vida's calcium aluminate technical experts continue to delve into new technologies and open up new areas of application of calcium aluminate.


Another role of calcium aluminate is as a flame retardant. Aluminum hydroxide has become the leading plastic inorganic flame retardant filler on the market due to its low price. The thermal spectrum of calcium aluminate is similar to aluminum hydroxide, which is used as At the same time of the yang-burning agent, the accompanying CaCO3 is a traditional filler of plastics, so it is a composite filler of plastic. The solid residue calcium aluminate is used in combination with other flame retardants, and the oxygen index is more than 30%. In terms of the flame retardant index "oxygen index", the solid residue calcium aluminate is slightly inferior to aluminum hydroxide. However, when plastics are added with fillers such as aluminum hydroxide, the strength of the plastic is often lowered. The calcium slag aluminate is added to the slag, and the tensile strength and impact tensile strength are improved, and the thermal stability is improved. In addition, calcium aluminate is easily mixed with other components, and tests have shown that when used as a resist for glass cookers, the filling amount can be as high as 150%. Calcium aluminate inhibitor is non-irritating, odorless, and is favored for its non-toxic and heterogeneous properties.

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